Kickstart Design Blog
We at Kickstart Design are passionate about making things. So much of the knowledge we’ve gained as individuals is owed to the community of makers who learn, create, and share. This is why we created our own blog, with the goal of inspiring people to make. Here you’ll find articles about our own personal projects, our experiences in the design & manufacturing industry, and more.

Designing a modern LiPo/Li-ion power solution: Selecting an I²C Switching Charge Controller.
Previously on this topic, we looked at the boost converter and inductor selection behind the Adafruit Powerboost 1000C and our own Chargeboost 2000. Since then, we have been testing and evaluating our chip selection to verify our initial calculations. At the same time, we’ve been searching for the best lithium-ion/polymer charger IC to pair with our boost converter. This has turned out to be much more difficult than selecting the boost converter, mainly due to the worldwide chip shortage we are all facing. Read more about that topic here. On top of that, charger IC’s with the high power ratings needed are in high demand for newer portable electronics like tablets and smartphones. Challenges aside - we are diligently working to find the best solution!

Establishing and Coordinating Vendor Relationships in China Via Alibaba
Most products today are made in China or have parts that were made in China. The idea that cheap quality comes from China is largely a myth. Granted, cheap things do come out of China, but so do very high-quality goods. It all depends on what the buyer/distributor wants to pay for. Chinese manufacturing companies are generally eager to work on projects, have a strong dedication to the project, and can provide quality goods. To get quality goods, it’s important to know how to vet and communicate with vendors and suppliers.

Designing, Fabricating, and Coding An Automated Greenhouse
Six months ago, I realized that I am actually terrible at keeping plants alive. While my poor watering habits are mostly to blame, the indoor environment that housed my plants also negatively impacting their growth. So, I did what any maker would do and made an automated greenhouse using Arduino, 3D printing, and some cheap hardware I had laying around.
Designing a modern LiPo/Li-ion power solution: High Current at 5V for DIY Projects.
We’ve been working behind the scenes to develop a modern and powerful solution for DIY battery-powered projects, the ChargeBoost 2000! It is quite common for battery-operated electronic projects to require up to 2-3A of current at 5V, especially with power-hungry components like screens, motors, solenoids, and some LEDs. In particular, we looked at the Raspberry Pi 4, which requires a minimum of 2.5-3A at 5V.

Sourcing ICs During a Global Shortage
In the decline of the global pandemic and the aftermath of Ever Given’s blunder in the Suez Canal, supply chains across many different industries have been affected negatively. One such industry is ICs.

How To Generate Rendered Animations With Fusion 360 & Photoshop
A brief explanation of how I generated rendered animations using Fusion 360, Photoshop, and desktop macros. Learn about my process, its shortcomings, and other options.